a | anode
ad | parted (divided) anode
A | Ampere (quantity of electric current)
Å | Angstrom (wavelength 10-8 cm)
A1 | telegraphic operation
A3 | telephone operation
AVC | automatic gain control (AGC)
b | base (category 16, 17)
bs | tube for driver stage in amplifier, working in class B
B | photocell sensitive to white light (category 14)
B | cathode-ray tube with white luminescent screen (category 13)
Bp | overloading immunity of crystal diodes
c | collector (class 16, 17)
c/s | cycle per second, Hertz
C | capacity
°C | degrees Celsius
Ca1a2 | capacity between anodes of first and second diode
Ca1a3 | capacity between anodes of first and third diode
Ca1k | capacity between anode of first diode and cathode (or filament)
Ca2a3 | capacity between anodes of second and third diode
Ca2k | capacity between anode of second diode and cathode (or filament)
Ca3k | capacity between anode of third diode and cathode (or filament)
Ca4k | capacity between anode of fourth diode and cathode (or filament)
Cag | capacity between anode and first grid
Cag2 | capacity between anode and second grid
Cag3 | capacity between anode and third grid
Cak | capacity between anode and cathode (or filament)
Cb | capacity of base
Cb1 | capacity of base 1
Cb2 | capacity of base 2
Ckd | capacity between anode of diode and cathode (in combined tubes)
Cfk | capacity between filament and cathode
Cg1g2 | capacity between first and second grid
Cg2k | capacity between second grid and cathode
Cg3k | capacity between third grid and cathode
Cgk | capacity between grid and cathode
Cv | input capacity
Cvs | output capacity
Cvst | input capacity of filter for suppression of ripple
Č | photocell sensitive to red light (category 14)
d | total distortion [%]
dB | decibel
det | detection
det/a | anode detection
det/g | grid detection
dis | discriminator
D | diode
D | penetrance
ef | root-mean-square value, RMS
em | emitter (category 16, 17)
es | electrostatic (deflection, focusing)
Em | tube for measuring purpose
Epp | tube for intermittent duty
Es | combined tube
Esv | beam tetrode
ES | mixer tube
ES+osc | mixer tube with oscillator
Ešp | tube for amplifier with wide bandwidth
Etp | tube for unintermittent duty
f | filament
f | frequency
f50% | frequency, in which operational values may reach 50 % of limit values.
f75% | frequency, in which operational values may reach 75 % of limit values.
f100% | frequency, in which operational values may reach 100 % of limit values.
ff | tube with two filaments
fff | tube with three filaments
fm | frequency modulation
fmax | maximal frequency
fmin max | frequency range
F | Farad (unity of capacity)
g | grid
g1 | first grid
g2 | second grid
g2+a | second grid connected to anode
g3 | third grid
g3+a | third grid connected to anode
g4 | fourth grid
g5 | fifth grid
g6 | sixth grid
G | power gain
Gc/s | gigacycle per second (109 c/s, giga Hertz)
Ge | germanium
H | cathode-ray tube with brown luminescent screen (category 13)
ind | indicator
ind 1 | the first indication part
ind 2 | the second indication part
inf | photocell sensitive to infra-red light
ip | value in pulse operation
Ia | anode current
Ia0 | quiescent current (without excitation)
Ia max | maximal anode current
Ia max = | maximal rectified anode current
Iap | average anode current
Ia sig max | anode current on maximum signal
Ia vh | limit peak anode current
Iaz vh | limit peak reverse anode current
Ib1 | current of base 1
Ib2 | current of base 2
Ic | collector current
Id | diode current (on diodes in combined tubes only)
Id vh | limit peak diode current (on diodes in combined tubes only)
Idz vh | limit peak reverse diode current (on diodes in combined tubes only)
Iem | emitter current
If | filament current
If max | maximal filament current
Ig1 | current of first grid
Ig2 | current of second grid
Ig2 sig max | current of second grid on maximal signal
Ig3 | current of third grid
Ig3g5 | current of third and fifth grid
Ig4 | current of fourth grid
Ig max | maximal current of grid
Igo | grid current in oscillator
Ig vh | limit peak grid current
Ik | cathode current
Ik2 | secondary emissive current
Ike | emissive cathode current
Ik max | maximal cathode current
Ik vh | limit peak cathode current
Imax | maximal current
Imax 1 | limit current in maximal duration 1 minute
Imin | minimum current
Imin max | current range
Ip imp | limit pulse current in forward direction
Ip min | minimum forward current on voltage 1 V
Ip stř | limit average current in forward direction
Iss | maximal rectified current
Ist | screen current
Itd | current in heating wire, whereat originate electromotive force 12 mV
Izb | residual current (category 16, 17)
Iz max | maximal reverse current for specific voltage
k | cathode
kc/s | kilocycle per second (103 c/s, kilo Hertz)
ke | ceramics
kv | metal
kV | kilo Volt (103 V)
kW | kilo Watt (103 W)
kΩ | kilo Ω
K | amplification (factor)
Kv | power gain (dB)
KP | pentode for output stage
KPP | dual pentode for output stage
KT | triode for output stage
KTt | tetrode for output stage
KTT | dual triode for output stage
L | inductivity
m | external shield (metallizing)
max | maximal value (on currents and voltages it is limit root-mean-square value)
mg | magnetic (deflection, focusing)
mikro | microfonic amplification
min | minimum value; minute
mod | modulator; modulation
mod % | depth of modulation
mod/a | anode modulation
mod/ai | anode pulse modulation
mod/a+g2 | common modulation on anode and second grid
mod/g | grid modulation
mod/g1 | modulation on first grid
mod/g2 | modulation on second grid
mod/g3 | modulation on third grid
mod/ip | pulse modulation
mp | mechanical strength
mA | mili Ampere (10-3 A)
mH | mili Henry (10-3 H)
mV | mili Volt (10-3 V)
mW | mili Watt (10-3 W)
M | photocell sensitive to blue light (category 14)
M | cathode-ray tube with blue luminescent screen (category 13)
Mc/s | megacycle per second (106 c/s, mega Hertz)
MB | cathode-ray tube with blue-white luminescent screen (category 13)
MΩ | mega Ω (106 Ω)
nH | nano Henry (10-9 H)
N | number determining dividing voltage in stabiliser
NE | electron multiplier tube
osc | oscillator, intended as oscillator (adjective)
ov | tap in filament
O | cathode-ray tube with orange luminescent screen (category 13)
P | cathode-ray tube with long afterglow (category 13)
pento | pentode connection
pg | space charge grid
pp | gas-filled tube (or mercury vapour)
pF | pico Farad (10-12 F)
Po | anode dissipation
Po max | limit anode dissipation
Pa | anode power input
Pa max | limit anode power input
Pb | driving power
Pg0 max | limit dissipation in control grid
Pg2 | dissipation in screen grid
Pn | surge power
P šd/PšR | noise temperature (ratio of noise power of diode to noise power of resistance)
Pv | output power
PP | push-pull connection
r | cathode-ray tube with short afterglow (category 13)
R | active resistance
Ra | anode working (matching) external resistance
Raa | working (matching) resistance from anode to anode (in push pull connection)
Rad | anode filtration resistor
Ra min | minimum anode resistance
Rb | base resistance
Rb1 | resistance of base 1
Rb2 | resistance of base 2
Rb1b2 | resistance between bases 1 and 2
Rc | collector resistance
Rem | emitter resistance
Rf | resistance of filament (or heating wire)
Rfk | resistance between filament and cathode
Rg1 | bleeder resistor on first grid
Rg1 max | limit bleeder resistor on first grid
Rg2 | serial resistor on second grid
Rg1g3 | common bleeder resistor od first and third grid
Rg2g4 | common serial resistor od second and fourth grid
Rg3 | bleeder resistor on third grid
Rgo | grid resistor in oscillator
Ri | internal resistance
Ri max | maximal internal resistance
Rk | cathode resistor
Rp | parallel resistance
Rš ekv | equivalent noise resistance
Rtč | resistance of thermoelectric cell
Rt min | minimum necessary resistance of winding in transformer
Rv | input resistance (category 16, 17)
Rvs | output resistance (category 16, 17)
Rz | reverse resistance
s | cathode-ray tube with middle afterglow (category 13)
sem | secondary emission
sig | signal; intended to working with signal (adjective)
sig max | maximum signal
sig min | minimum signal
sk | glass
sv | vertical deflection
S | mutual conductance
Sd1d2 | sensitivity of deflecting plates 1 and 2
Sd3d4 | sensitivity of deflecting plates 3 and 4
Sef | effective mutual conductance
Sg3 | mutual conductance, when voltage of third grid varies
Si | silicon (silicium)
Sp | variable mutual conductance
Ss | conversion transconductance
tetro | tetrode connection
ti | pulse width (duration)
tp | hardened resin
trio | triode connection
tžh | warm-up time [min]
T | triode
Tt | tetrode
Tv | television, intended to television (adjective)
Ua | anode voltage
Ua1 | voltage of first anode
Ua2 | voltage of second anode
Ua3 | voltage of third anode
Ua ef | output voltage (root-mean-square value)
Ua ip vh | peak anode voltage in pulse operation
Ua max | maximum anode voltage
Ua vh | limit peak anode voltage (on diode)
Uaz vh | limit peak reverse anode voltage
Ub | supply voltage
Ub max | maximum supply voltage
Uc | collector voltage
Ud | diode voltage (in combined tubes only)
Ud1 | voltage on first diode (in combined tubes only)
Ud2 | voltage on second diode (in combined tubes only)
Ud3 | voltage on third diode (in combined tubes only)
Ud vh | limit peak voltage on diode (in combined tubes)
Ue | voltage between first and aftermost electrode in stabilizer
Uem | emitter voltage
Uf | filament voltage
Ufk max | limit voltage between filament and cathode
- Ug1 | negative bias voltage on first grid
Ug2 | voltage of second grid
Ug2 max | maximum voltage of second grid
Ug3 | voltage of third grid
Ug3 max | maximum voltage of third grid
Ug4 | voltage of fourth grid
Ug4g6 | voltage of fourth and sixth grid
Ug5 | voltage of fifth grid
Ug ef | voltage of first grid (root-mean-square value)
Ugg | voltage between grids in push-pull connection
Ugg ef | voltage between grids in push-pull connection (root-mean-square value)
Ug max | maximum voltage of grid
Ugp | limit of variable grid bias voltage
Ug vh | limit peak voltage of first grid
Uk | cathode voltage
Ukz | voltage of secondary emission
Umax | limit voltage
Uo | oscillator voltage
Uo ef | root-mean-square value of oscillator voltage
Uo vh | peak oscillator voltage
Up | operation voltage
Ust | voltage of screen
Ut | voltage of cell
Uv | tube voltage drop
Uz | reverse voltage
Uzap | ignition voltage
vaku | vacuum (adjective)
vh | limit peak value
vo | wax
vod | water cooling
vs | internal screening
vv | horizontal deflection
vvf | very high frequency
V | Volt (unit of electric voltage)
Vys | tube is using also as transmitting tube
W | Watt (unit of electric power)
zes | amplifier
zes ip | pulse amplifier
zes mf | intermediate-frequency amplifier
zes nf | audio amplifier
zes vf | high-frequency amplifier
zesv | power amplifier
zesv nf | audio power amplifier
zesv vf | high-frequency power amplifier
zes A | amplifier in class A
zes AB | amplifier in class AB
zes B | amplifier in class B
zes C | amplifier in class C
zes O | video amplifier
zp | parallel connection
zs | connection in series
zzg | common grid circuit
zzk | common cathode circuit
Z | photocell sensitive to green light (category 14)
Z | cathode-ray tube with green luminescent screen (category 13)
Zmf | intermediate-frequency impedance
ZM | cathode-ray tube with green-blue luminescent screen (category 13)
ZŽ | cathode-ray tube with green-yellow luminescent screen (category 13)
Ž | cathode-ray tube with yellow luminescent screen (category 13)
α | angle of screen
γ | sensitivity
γ s | deflection sensitivity of plates near the screen in CRT
θ | temperature
θ o | ambient tempetarure
θ max | maximum operating temperatutre
θ min | minimum operating temperatutre
λ min | minimum wawelength
μ | multiplication factor
μA | mikro Ampere (10-6 A)
μF | mikro Farad (10-6 F)
μH | mikro Henry (10-6 H)
μV | mikro Volt (10-6 V)
σ | ratio between open-circuit voltage on secondary winding to current in primary winding on maximum primary load (approximative value)
Ω | ohm (unity of electric resistance)